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Normal Wear and Tear
What Exactly Is “Normal Wear and Tear?”
  • Simply put, normal wear and tear is the expected decline in the condition of a property due to normal everyday use. You will not be charged for normal wear and tear.  Below is a list of what could be considered "normal wear and tear". 


This is damage the you DON'T pay for.

A few small nail holes, chips, smudges, small dents, scrapes, or cracks in the walls

Faded paint

Carpet faded or worn thin from walking

Scuffed vinyl or plank floors from regular use

Doors sticking from humidity


This is damage the you might need to pay for.

Large holes in walls. Unapproved paint colors. Dozens of nail holes which need patching and repainting. Crayon marks.

Damage on wall from hanging plants that may have leaked water or constant rubbing of furniture

Holes, stains, or burns in carpet. Food stains, pet urine stains, grease stains, and leaky fish tank stains.

Chipped or gouged  floors, or excessive scrapes from your pet nails

Doors with holes or pulled off hinges

Warped cabinet doors that won’t close

Shower mildew due to lack of proper ventilation

Loose grouting on bathroom tiles

Partially clogged sinks or drains caused by aging pipes

Window blinds pull string broke

Sticky cabinets and interiors

Shower mildew due to lack of regular cleanings

Missing or cracked bathroom tiles

Clogged sinks or drains due to any stoppage (hair, diapers, food, etc.), or improper use

Window blinds missing or broken slats

Bathroom mirror beginning to “de-silver” (black spots)

Worn gaskets on refrigerator doors

Bathroom mirror cracked or caked with makeup or hairspray

Broken refrigerator shelf or dented front panels

Smelly garbage disposal

Damaged disposal due to metal, glass, or stones being placed inside

Replacement of fluorescent lamps - these are the overhead bulbs typically found in your kitchen

Replacement of most common light bulbs including LED bulbs, ceiling fan bulbs and refrigerator bulbs. As a general rule of thumb, if you bulb has a threaded base you could be charged.

Pro-rated Charges

Carpet Install Date

January 1, 2015

  • Some charges will be pro-rated based on their age.  For example, the normal life of a carpet is five years. If your carpet needs to be replaced you may be charged a pro-rated charge.   


This example assumes you moved out on December 31, 2019








60 months (normal life)  - 48 months (occupied)  = 12 months (lost)


$1500 replacement cost / 60 months expected life = $25.00 per month


12 months lost x $25.00 per month cost = $300.00 pro-rated charge





Months You Lived There


Previous Occupancy


Prorated Months


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